Ultimate Guide to Integrating Sunscreen into Your Skincare Routine | 的态度
2024年4月26日Ultimate Guide to Integrating Sunscreen into Your Skincare Routine


As UV (ultraviolet) rays reach their maximum intensity in spring and summer, 调整你的护肤程序变得越来越重要. 养成良好的防晒习惯, 你可以降低患皮肤癌和过早衰老的风险, 同时保持皮肤健康,让你看起来更年轻! 




而我们心爱的太阳有能力给每一天带来欢乐, 它的UVA和UVB对你的皮肤有害. 它们是…的主要原因 皮肤老化 并增加风险 皮肤癌. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, 65% of melanoma cases are due to UV rays [1].

为了防止这种情况, it is essential to integrate effective sun protection into your routine, 一年四季. 尽管秋天和冬天的阳光似乎较少, 它的射线仍然对皮肤有害. Adequate protection will significantly decrease the risks associated with ultraviolet rays. 事实上, individuals who use sunscreen daily experience a 24% reduction in skin ageing compared to those who only use sunscreen intermittently [2].




To properly protect your skin, it's important to choose a sunscreen suitable for your skin type. To determine whether your skin is normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive, simply 检查它并注意它的反应. 这里有5种适合你皮肤类型的防晒霜建议!

正常皮肤: Normal pores, even skin tone, feeling of firmness and comfort, T-zone barely oily.


你的防晒霜: 所有类型的防晒霜都适合你! 的 矿物防晒霜 from the Sunly™ range are perfect for normal skin and are also very practical and eco-friendly thanks to their recyclable cardboard tube. 



干燥的皮肤毛孔紧致,几乎看不见, 紧绷感, 粗糙的皮肤, 缺乏灵活性, 可见细纹, 更容易受到紫外线的伤害. 


你的防晒霜: 防止干燥, choose a sunscreen containing moisturizing agents such as phytoglycogen or collagen. Enriched with precious seaweed extracts and phytoglycogen, the Phyto-Sun 防晒系数30的彩色面霜 provides a unified and radiant finish, without any white residue. 理想的使用全年,无论季节.


油性皮肤: Large pores with the presence of impurities (blackheads and pimples), 肤色暗沉不清, 缺乏光泽, 闪亮的, 厚, 还有颗粒状的皮肤. 


你的防晒霜: 一款轻便的防晒霜将是你最好的盟友. You can also choose a tinted sunscreen to cover minor imperfections and even out the skin tone. Formulated with grape seed oil and enriched with phytoglycogen, the Phyto-Sun 防晒系数30的有色油 使皮肤瞬间焕发光彩. 它轻盈的质地在夏天非常宜人!


混合性皮肤: 扩张毛孔 with the possibility of impurities (blackheads and pimples), 或多或少粗糙和有光泽的皮肤, t字区的油感. 


你的防晒霜: 就像油性皮肤一样, combination skin prefers lighter formulas that leave a comfortable feeling on the skin. 易于携带,a 彩色防晒棒 会很好地融入你的夏季美容计划吗. 


敏感性皮肤: 扩张毛孔, 皮肤干燥和发红, 灼烧感, 痒或刺痛, 对温度变化有反应, 压力, 或香水. 


你的防晒霜: Choose a simple formula, with non-nano zinc oxide, oat extract, and importantly, unscented. 的re are also sunscreens specially designed for sensitive skin, such as our 矿物防晒霜 来自燕麦系列敏感天然. 



​​We often forget about them, but lips also deserve their own sun protection. 提供不粘面漆,Phyto-Sun 防晒系数30的彩色润唇膏 add a vibrant touch of color to your lips while shielding them from the sun!



的 best way to not forget your sunscreen is to incorporate it into your morning skincare routine. Even on cloudy days, it's advisable to always apply your sunscreen, as UV rays are still present. 结合使用防晒系数足够的日常护肤品, 你会一直保持你的皮肤健康和滋润! 


Depending on your skin type and lifestyle, several routine options are suggested. 在清洁的脸上,涂抹你的海洋 Phyto-Glow, Phyto-Age, or Phyto-Calm 日常用品,包括精华液、面霜和眼霜. 然后, apply a sunscreen suitable for your skin type as well as for the day's activities, 每两小时补涂一次. 


你有什么特别的日子吗? Whether it's brunch on a terrace, a picnic in the park, or just another day: the Phyto-Sun 防晒系数30的彩色微光霜 will give you a radiant and sparkling complexion while protecting you from the harmful sun rays. Made with mineral-origin glitter, this cream will make your routine even easier and more effective! 




​​Skin care products containing vitamin C are not actually sensitizing to your skin when exposed to the sun. 这是一种误解! 此外, 在Phyto-Glow产品中, 我们使用封装的维生素C, 哪一种能降低皮肤致敏或反应的风险. No matter which skin care product you use, it's important to always apply your sunscreen. 



满足日益增长的需求, 的态度™ takes the concept of 矿物防晒霜 even further by offering a range of tinted face creams with SPF: Phyto-Sun. 含8款防晒系数30的产品, 这个系列是无塑料的, EWG®验证, 素食主义者, 富含2%的纯素胶原蛋白替代品, 滋润紧致肌肤.

由于它的普遍阴影, Phyto-Sun products adapt to all skin tones and are ideal for light-coverage makeup. Undoubtedly, this new range will make your skincare routine even easier and more effective! 




Despite increasing consumer education, myths surrounding sun protection still persist. To properly protect your skin, it's important to know the correct practices for using sunscreen. 以下是一些社会上最常见的神话和现实. 




FALSE – Clouds do not completely block UVB rays, which cause sunburn. 此外, they barely cover UVA rays, which are responsible for premature aging. 




TRUE – A sunscreen with SPF 30 blocks 97% of the rays, leaving 3% that can reach the skin. So, yes, technically it is possible to tan even while protected by sunscreen. Keep in mind that a sunscreen that blocks rays 100% does not exist!


深色或黑色皮肤 需要防晒


FALSE – UV rays are harmful to all ethnic groups and all skin tones. 的y reach the epidermis the same way on light skin as on dark or black skin.




FALSE - A sunscreen with SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays, while one with SPF 50 blocks 98%. SPF值越高,效果越好, but the 1% difference isn't significant enough to say that SPF 30 isn't effective.


Here are our three golden rules for effectively protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun:

1 - Reapply your sunscreen every two hours regardless of the SPF level you're using.

2 - Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from both UVB and UVA rays.

你能采取的最好的防晒措施是物理防护. 这意味着最好呆在阴凉处, 戴帽子, 太阳镜, 还有长衣服来保护自己不受阳光的伤害.

Now you know all the secrets to a healthy and adequate skincare routine through the integration of sun protection into your daily life. 选择一款防晒霜 适合你的肤质和生活方式 会大大降低患皮肤癌和早衰的风险吗. 为崇高或轻微闪亮的皮肤, 选择Phyto-Sun™着色面霜或油, 你夏天最好的伙伴! 




[1] http://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/reduce-your-risk/be-sun-safe/enjoy-the-sun-safely 


[2] http://www.acpjournals.org/journal/aim

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