March 28, 2024Is an SPF 50 really better than an SPF 30?

Summertime is right around the corner! 虽然每年的这个时候都是和家人一起在户外度过美好时光的时候, 在泳池边享受阳光明媚的日子,在后院玩耍, one thing remains important: suncare protection. 这个夏天,用你最好的盟友来保护你的家人免受阳光的伤害:有效的防晒霜 mineral sunscreen.

但是市场上有这么多不同类型的防晒霜, 你如何为你和你的家人选择最好和最有效的?

你可能有很多朋友和亲戚都很喜欢 防晒系数高的防晒霜 ——指的是防晒霜为普通消费者提供的防晒效果——声称这是保护家人免受太阳有害射线伤害的最安全方法. 事实上,人们通常只根据SPF值来购买防晒霜. You’ve probably even faced the choice at the store between SPF 30 vs SPF 50.

It is true that a higher SPF obviously provides more protection than a lower SPF, but most people do not use high SPF sunscreens correctly. Indeed, a high SPF gives consumers a false sense of security, which could increase the risk of cancer [1]. In fact, because the SPF is high, users feel better protected and may not tend to reapply sunscreen, while being overexposed to the sun. 

According to the National Cancer Institute, 自20世纪70年代以来,美国成年人中新发黑色素瘤的发病率增加了两倍, despite the increase in sunscreen usage [2]. Of course, we are exposed to the sun more often, and melanomas are more commonly detected nowadays, but 事实上,许多人对太阳的有害影响仍然有错误的认识 不要犹豫,花很长时间在阳光下,不去想 reapplying sunscreen.



It depends on your habits and preferences! If you opt for a high SPF, 你一定要记住,你需要像使用低防晒指数的防晒霜一样频繁地涂抹防晒霜(每两小时和游泳后)。, as well as avoid the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. 此外,最好呆在阴凉处,戴上帽子或帽子,以获得最佳的防晒效果.


Here are three criteria to consider when choosing your sunscreen. 

1. A high SPF does not mean foolproof protection


In recent years, 许多防晒霜制造商都在销售防晒指数为70甚至100的产品, giving the impression that they provide two to three times more protection than an SPF 30.

Unfortunately, high SPFs can be misleading. 因为人们认为高防晒系数能更好地保护自己, 他们倾向于花更多的时间在阳光下,不经常重新涂抹防晒霜,这增加了晒伤的风险, melanoma and other types of skin damage. 这就是为什么一些欧洲国家将标准普尔指数限制在50.

It should be noted that sunscreens with an SPF higher than 50 may contain a higher dose of chemical filters [3]. In addition, an SPF 60 sunscreen is not twice as effective as an SPF 30 sunblock防晒系数不会随着SPF值的增加而增加.

According to EWG's Annual Sunscreen Report, when used correctly, spf30的防晒霜可以阻挡97%的UVB射线, while an SPF 50 will block 98% of rays, 代表高SPF值的额外1%的保护.

Graphic showing SPF protection

2. Understanding the difference between UVA and UVB rays

当你暴露在阳光下时,有两种紫外线辐射会影响你的皮肤:UVA和UVB. 它们会以不同的方式影响你的皮肤, UVB rays are the main cause of sunburns, 而UVA射线则会到达更深的皮肤层,导致皮肤过早衰老和其他类型的阳光损伤. 它们都会增加你患皮肤癌的风险.



防晒霜的SPF值是用来防中波紫外线的, 但与它保护皮肤免受穿透性极强的长波紫外线的能力几乎没有关系, 主要导致皮肤过早老化和黑色素瘤.



保护皮肤免受这两种紫外线伤害的最安全、最有效的方法是使用广谱防晒霜. 除了涂抹防晒霜外,建议避免在11点到11点之间晒太阳.m. and 4 p.m.,并尽可能穿上防护服.

3. Chemical filters vs physical filters: what’s the difference?

防晒霜中的有效成分分为两类:化学成分和物理成分(或矿物成分)。. 两者都使用不同的机制来保护皮肤. 化学防晒霜通过对皮肤产生化学反应来吸收紫外线,从而保护皮肤免受有害射线的伤害. 另一方面,物理(或矿物)防晒霜, form a topical physical barrier to block and deflect the sun rays.



Chemical filters

Many sunscreens contain ingredients that can have repercussions on the environment. When activated by the sun, 这些化学过滤器会在皮肤表面产生化学反应来吸收紫外线. Among the ingredients to avoid according to the EWG, oxybenzone stands out, which can cause allergic reactions.[4]

Physical (mineral) filters

物理或矿物防晒霜使用两种主要的矿物成分: zinc oxide (自然存在于我们身体的细胞中)和/或二氧化钛, 在皮肤上形成一个物理屏障来反射, scatter, and absorb both UVA and UVB rays.

物理(矿物)过滤器可以有两种类型:纳米或非纳米. 纳米意味着颗粒非常小,可以穿透皮肤. However, 关于局部使用纳米颗粒对我们健康影响的科学数据仍然很少, as is the case with sunscreens. 

A reliable sun protection: Sunly™ 


Sunly™ SPF 30 mineral sunscreens 从态度是配制氧化锌, a non-nano mineral filter, 提供针对UVA/UVB射线的广谱防护. 


They are EWG认证™,纯素食,并制定了清洁,天然来源的成分. 此外,这些矿物防晒霜不含化学过滤器. 


Thanks to their improved formula, Sunly™矿物防晒霜不会留下白色残留,并提供不油腻的完成. 


Furthermore, ATTITUDE™ also offers plastic-free sunscreens 它们很容易携带到任何地方,不用加水. 



Sources of this article:

  1. http://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/whats-wrong-with-high-spf/ 
  2. http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/melan.html  
  3. http://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/whats-wrong-with-high-spf/ 
  4. http://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/the-trouble-with-sunscreen-chemicals/#.WwbiyUgvzIU 
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